G.D. Govt. Polytechnic, Hisar

Fashion Technology

Fashion Technology students must have knowledge of fibers, yarns, fabric structure, dying, printing, finishing, and properties affecting fabric performance. They should also understand apparel manufacturing and the garment industry. Students should be familiar with assembly methods, safety rules, and basic garment construction skills. The department focuses on training human resources in the ready-made garment industry, offering opportunities for career advancement in roles such as garment merchandiser, quality assurance expert, fabric source expert, production supervisor, and sampling coordinator.

Message from HOD

The Fashion Technology diploma program, established in 2007, offers a skill-rich career path for individuals in the fashion and garment production industry. The program has been updated multiple times since 2012, 2018, and 2022; ensuring students are trained in renowned export houses and receive placements. The department has a strong alumni network, competitive labs, supportive faculty, and hands-on practice opportunities. The diploma is suitable for creative young individuals who can work for fashion design innovation and start their careers in the fast-paced fashion industry.

Tarun Kumar Sharma, HoD

Program Outcomes

The program outcomes are derived from five domains of NSQF Level namely Process, Professional Knowledge, Professional Skill, Core Skill, Responsibility. After completing this programme, the student will be able to:
PO1: Perform tasks in limited range of activities, familiar situation with clear choice of procedures.
PO2: Acquire knowledge of principles and processes in the field of Fashion Technology.
PO3: Develop skills to accomplish quality tasks and solve problems using methods, tools, materials and information.
PO4: Demonstrate skill of communication, collecting and organizing information along with knowledge of social, political and natural environment.
PO5: Take the responsibility of own works and supervises others work.
PO6: Select multidisciplinary and open subjects of own interest and perform self learning through Massive Open Online Courses.