Laboratories Details
The Consumer electronics laboratory is a unit of the Electronics and Communication Department, Government polytechnic Hisar, with a seating capacity of 35 students. This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concept and techniques in Audio Video System, Electronics Instrumentation and Measurements, Optical Fiber Communication and Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems. The learning objectives of this lab is to supplement the theory course of AVS,EIM, OFC and Mobile Communication with adequate knowledge of all experiments. This lab is equipped with CROs, PC, and Projector for simulation of all experiments. The experiments done in this lab are based on Microphones, Speakers, various instruments used for measurements, GSM kit, Colour and Monochrome Television trainer and fault finding kits and also Optical fiber and transmitting and receiving of optical signals and also D2H installation.

The digital electronics laboratory is a unit of the Electronics and Communication Department, Government polytechnic Hisar, with a seating capacity of 30 students. This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concept and techniques in Digital Electronics circuits and systems. The learning objectives of this lab is to supplement the theory course of digital electronics,Microprocessor, Microcontroller, and instrumentation with adequate knowledge of all experiments. This lab is equipped with CROs, PC, and Projector for simulation of all experiments. The experiments done in this lab are based on digital devices like gates, flipflops, registers, adders, counters, microprocessor 8085, microcontroller 8051 and their applications.

Communication Engineering Lab
This lab is well equipped with Communication apparatus /equipment kits for the practical knowledge of Radio, FM and Microwave Frequency signal especially for 2nd & 3rd year students. The Working space of lab also very good with the capacity of 30 students. The Lab has particularly used for the different subjects such as PCE, CS, NFTL, Digital Communication and Microwave & Radar Communication. This will make our students to handle latest Communication equipment used in Industries.

The Analog Electronics laboratory is a unit of the Electronics and Communication Department, Government polytechnic Hisar, with a seating capacity of 40 students. This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concept and techniques in Electronics Devices and Circuits, Power Electronics, Fundamentals of Information and Technology, Electronics Devices and Simulation Techniques and Internet of Things. The learning objectives of this lab is to supplement the theory course of EDC, PE, FIT, FIT, EDST and IOT with adequate knowledge of all experiments. This lab is equipped with 5 CROs, 5 Functions Generators, 12 PCs, Printer and Projector for simulation of all experiments. The experiments done in this lab are based on Electronics Devices and Circuits like amplifiers, Oscillators, Multivibrators, Clipping and Clamping Circuits, Operational amplifiers and their applications, Rectifiers, Basic Techniques of Information Technology and theirs tools, Internet of things and its applications in the world of work, simulation of analog and digital circuits.